About Council


What is a Council?

A Council consists of units that have banded together to bring the power of united planning and effort to bear the business of supporting children in a more effective way than could be done by a single PTA unit working alone.

Council Responsibilities

To strengthen local units.  To develop leadership within local units.  To promote membership within local units.  To give service to the local school community.

Council Purposes

To function as a clearing house of the units; giving opportunity to learn methods of work and to exchange suggestions on procedure.

The council meeting affords an opportunity for conferences regarding council activities and for personal contacts with leaders interested in similar lines of endeavor.  The council meeting is not a duplicate of the local unit meeting, but provides needed information, instruction, and inspiration for local parent-teacher leaders.

Council officers and chairmen are available to help corresponding unit officers and chairmen.  Feel free to call on them anytime you have a question or need assistance.

Council Goals

1.  To provide leadership development for local units and council board members.

2. To serve as a resource for education, parenting information, and legislative issues.

3. To encourage parent and public involvement in the Springfield Public Schools.

SCPTA 100th Anniversary Booklet